Writing a nursing research critique requires a student to read thoroughly and use critical thinking to come up with a coherent paper that shows that the given student understands a given topic or piece of literature. Are you having challenges in writing your nursing article critique? If yes, then you might want to contact us as we are ready to help you. We have among the best writers who offer assistance with writing a critique paper. In other words, you can trust our nursing writing and editing services as they are offered by professionals. Presented below is a sample of a nursing critique paper that can guide you in coming up with your own original work.
Caring is viewed as the core factor in the nursing sector. Most nurses go out of their way to assist the patients in getting proper medication and care. Therefore, most studies have been conducted to understand the relationship between the individual characteristics, and the patient satisfaction and outcomes. This critique is focused on research by Berry et al. (2013) that examined the caring factor survey (CFS) and the healthcare environment survey (HES). The study aimed at expounding on the knowledge that poorer work environments are associated with higher levels of care. Therefore, nurses were contacted from the mid-sized community-based hospital from Midwest area in the United States. The nurses answered the CFS survey questions whereas patients answered the HES survey questions.
Research Design
The research study by Berry et al. (2013) used primary data collected from a medical, surgical unit with 400-beds in a hospital from the Midwestern United States. The nurses recruited in this study were permanent employees of the hospital. This method was important in enhancing the validity of the study because such nurses are aware of the hospital. Further, the patients recruited for this study were required to be 18 years and above, and English speaking. Choosing such patients for the study was effective in eliminating the language barrier and enhancing the results of the study because in most cases, the meaning is lost during the translation.
The research study used a convenience sampling technique to recruit the participants of the study. The convenient sampling technique method was appropriate for this study because the patients and nurses were concentrated in one hospital. Therefore, the technique eliminated the need to have additional costs involved when sourcing the participants. In addition, the researchers were assured of the data from the participants because they requested permission from the hospital network’s IRB before the beginning of the study. All data collected from the participants was collected on anonymity basis, which is a good way of ensuring that participants confidently give their views truthfully on the issue being investigated. The researchers ensured that all patients who agreed to participate in the study answered the survey questions by reading or marking the survey. As a result, this ensured that 99% of the patients recruited participated in the study, with just one refusing to participate.
The Berry et al. (2013) study used a cross-sectional research design method. Cross-sectional research design allows the researchers to study a group of people at a single point in time. The type of research does not allow the participants to manipulate the research variables, which helps in streamlining the results. The cross-sectional research design also enables the researchers to study prevailing characteristics in a population. However, the shortcoming of the cross-sectional study is descriptive; this means that they cannot describe the cause and effect of different variables. Therefore, the research by Berry et al. (2013) could not have examined the factors that influence the relationship between the environment and caring element of nurses. Cross-sectional design also allowed different variables in this study, such as the level of nurses’ education, marriage status, age, and the number of hours worked in the hospital.
Data Collection Procedures
The data collection procedure for this study was very clear. The nurses who participated in this study were required to fill the HES survey, which was to be returned to the research team in a sealed and unmarked envelope. As a token of appreciation, the nurses who completed the research were awarded with a $50 gift card. Nurses who participated in the research were required to contact the patients they had treated requesting for their willingness to participate in the same study. Patients who agreed to partake in the study were required to fill the CFS form. The research nurse was allowed to read and mark the research survey for the patients. There were 20 nurses who participated in the study, and each nurse was required to recruit ten patients whom they had treated in the past. As a result, there were 200 units for the data analysis from the HES and CFS surveys. The sample size used in this study reflected the study needs because they helped in achieving data saturation. The researcher’s role as also well explained in how the data was to be collected from the participants and the tools that were used such as surveys.
Data Analysis
The data was collected using a 7-point Likert scale, which is 4 denotes the neutrality useful in indicating the level of disagreement or agreement with an opinion. The level of an issue being raised in the research. Data surveys collected were analyzed using the ANOVA software that was used to determine the relationship between the nurses’ HES score and the variability within CFS. Further, ANOVA was also used to examine if there existed a relationship between HES score and the patients’ CFS score. The results indicated that patients’ perceptions of a caring nurse were significantly influenced by the nurse’s relationship with the physicians, work environment, relationship with other nurses, workload, feeling about executive team members, and professional patient care index. Therefore, the findings simply indicate that the patient’s perceptions of nurses’ increase with the increase in nurse’s HES score. The relationships that nurse have with the physicians and other health professionals influenced the perceptions of the patients. More workload and healthy relationships meant that the patients’ perception of care also increased.
The results of this study significantly show a positive correlation between HES and CFS. These results mean that as the nurses’ perceptions of the work environment are increased, the patient’s perception of caring also increased. Further, the study significantly shows that higher scores on the workload HES raised the CFS scores. The results of the study are easy to follow because the researchers clearly described the process followed in recruiting participants, collecting and analyzing data, as well as how the results were presented. The results were presented in form of a table, and descriptive information was offered that helped in improving the clarity of the study. The effective writing of the results and research processes helped in promoting the understanding of the paper.
The results of this study are very relevant to the nursing field because they help the nurses understand the perceptions patients’ have towards caring. The nurses could help in improving patients’ satisfaction and outcomes through some of the issues discussed in this study. The results indicate that strong relationships between the nurses and physicians, nurses and nurses, and increased satisfaction in HES workload improved patients’ perceptions. The results are relevant to the nurses and patients because they each address the attitudes that they have towards each other in the delivery of services. The results of this study were obtained from a centralized area. Therefore, it might be difficult for them to be applied in other hospitals. Further studies should be conducted to evaluate how the relationship between job environment and perceptions of care affect patients at the individual level.
M Berry, D., Beth Kaylor, M., Church, J., Campbell, K., McMillin, T., & Wamsley, R. (2013). Caritas and job environment: A replication of Persky et al. Contemporary nurse, 43(2), 237-243.
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